Send SMS to Staff and Students

Communication you know they’re going to read.

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Boost Communications with SMS on the Mercury by RMS Platform

On average, SMS are opened within 90 seconds, email can take up to 90 minutes or longer, and often never. Integrating SMS capabilities into your Mercury platform will give you the extra edge when trying to reach students or staff fast. Walking through campus, standing in line for food service or waiting for class to start, students are always within arm’s length of their phone, creating a failsafe way to communicate pertinent information.

[Res Hall] Move-in for hall J will begin Sat 9 am at door 130. Bring your parking pass.

Send room assignments and move-in instructions

Send room assignments and move-in instructions

There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to room assignments and move-in day, keep your volunteers and students updated, and prepared with room and roommate assignments to keep things running smoothly.

Campus-wide fire alarm test will be performed at 10:30pm Tues. Any resident not following regulations will be fined.

Keep your students safe and informed

Keep your students safe and informed

Catch your students and staff before they hit the road to let them know about delays and closures but sending out SMS notifications. Or alert hall residents that the water will be shut off for maintenance before they step in the shower. Everyone will thank you.

[Roger Hall] All housing agreements deadline is creeping up, please submit yours before Aug 12. Visit for details.

Remind staff and students of deadlines and dates

Remind staff and students of deadlines and dates

Everyone can use a little reminder, schedule SMS to remind students of pertinent dates and deadlines. Students are more likely to follow up on a task when reminded via text. Try it, you'll see.

Send room assignments and move-in instructions

[Res Hall] Move-in for hall J will begin Sat 9 am at door 130. Bring your parking pass.

There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to room assignments and move-in day, keep your volunteers and students updated, and prepared with room and roommate assignments to keep things running smoothly.

Keep your students safe and informed

Campus-wide fire alarm test will be performed at 10:30pm Tues. Any resident not following regulations will be fined.

Catch your students and staff before they hit the road to let them know about delays and closures but sending out SMS notifications. Or alert hall residents that the water will be shut off for maintenance before they step in the shower. Everyone will thank you.

Remind staff and students of deadlines and dates

[Roger Hall] All housing agreements deadline is creeping up, please submit yours before Aug 12. Visit for details.

Everyone can use a little reminder, schedule SMS to remind students of pertinent dates and deadlines. Students are more likely to follow up on a task when reminded via text. Try it, you'll see.

Reach Your Students and Staff Where They Are

Send SMS through Mercury with Red Oxygen


SMS enables almost instantaneous communication with students that are never a backpack-length away from their phones.


Setting up your Red Oxygen account is easy, with a few simple steps you’re on your way to gaining back time in your day.

(Pictured: Configuration Page)

RMS Mercury SMS configuration interface page


Templates, personalization with merge fields, distributions lists and scheduled messages helps keep students and staff on top of tasks and deadlines.

(Pictured: Mercury Saved SMS Messages with Merged Tokens)

Mercury Saved SMS Messages with Merged Tokens


Knowing the history of your communications can help expedite solutions and results.

(Pictured: SMS History for select resident on a specific day)

SMS History for select resident for Jan 14

(Pictured: Check-In confirmation SMS: Drill down on SMS record for details of the SMS transaction or to resend)

Check-In confirmation SMS: Drill down on SMS record for details of the SMS transaction or to resend

Article Image

In the press article

8 Reasons To Send College Students More Text Messages

Most colleges and universities have tapped into short message service (SMS) text messaging as a means to reach students. Somewhat shockingly, however, they’re still leaving valuable communication opportunities on the table.
Continue Reading>>

Red Oxygen in the Press

Need to See it to Believe it?


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