

Guide to integrate Red Oxygen with Opera


In order to use Red Oxygen to send out messages through Opera, please make sure your external email server has static IP address and register with us.

You can choose either “URL” or “Email”.

For “URL”:

1. Go to “Text Message Delivery Configuration”

2. Choose “URL

3. Fill out your account details as below

Partner/User ID: RedOxygen

Service Type/Server: RedOxygen

Service ID/Account: your Red Oxygen Account ID, start with “CI”

Password: your Red Oxygen password


Format: <URL_NAME>&AccountId=<SERVICE_ID>&Email=yourmail@company.com&Password=<SERVICE_PASSWORD>&Recipient=<TO_MOBILE>&Message=<CONFG_MESSAGE>

For “Email”:

1. Go to “Text Message Delivery Configuration”

2. Choose “EMAIL”

3. Fill out your account details as below

Partner/User ID: RedOxygen

Service Type/Server : RedOxygen

Service ID/Account: your registered user email address

Password: This field is not mandatory.

URL: redoxygen.net

Want us to set it up for you?

Get in touch with our team and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
