The best way to use the Red Oxygen API from PHP is to use the HTTP interface.
function SendMessage($AccountID, $Email, $Password, $Recipient, $Message) { $Parameters['AccountID'] = $AccountID; $Parameters['Email'] = $Email; $Parameters['Password'] = $Password; $Parameters['Recipient'] = $Recipient; $Parameters['Message'] = $Message; Request($Parameters, ''); } function Request($Parameters, $URL) { $URL = preg_replace('@^http://@i', '', $URL); $Host = substr($URL, 0, strpos($URL, '/')); $URI = strstr($URL, '/'); $Body = ''; foreach($Parameters as $Key => $Value) { if (!empty($Body)) { $Body .= '&'; } $Body .= $Key . '=' . urlencode($Value); } $ContentLength = strlen($Body); $Header = "POST $URI HTTP/1.1\n"; $Header .= "Host: $Host\n"; $Header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n"; $Header .= "Content-Length: $ContentLength\n\n"; $Header .= "$Body\n"; $Socket = fsockopen($Host, 80, $ErrorNumber, $ErrorMessage); fputs($Socket, $Header); while (!feof($Socket)) { $Result[] = fgets($Socket, 4096); } fclose($Socket); }
Name | Description | Example |
AccountID | This is your Red Oxygen Account ID, which uniquely identifies your account. | CI00000001 |
This is the email address of your Red Oxygen user account. It is also the address that will receive replies to the sent SMS. | | |
Password | This is the password of your Red Oxygen user account. | secret |
Recipient | The destination mobile numbers. Multiple recipients can be specified comma separated. | 61409000000,61419718927,61419718972 |
Message | A single SMS has a maximum length of 160 characters. If the message is greater than 160 characters then multiple SMS will be sent as a concatenated SMS which will result in an additional charge for the additional messages. The maximum length of a message is 765 characters. If you exceed this limit only the first 765 characters of your message will be sent. | Server 23 is offline. |
For more details see the Red Oxygen API HTTP User Guide.