SMS Tips and Practice: Quotes and Riddles


“What has a bottom at it’s top? A leg!”

Not all of the messages you need to send out have to be so serious. Lighten up the mood, send a riddle for the day. If the customer can answer the riddle, they get 20 percent off any purchase! (As an example.)

Send a great quote from an author or famous person in your industry, ask what their favorite quote is. If they respond, they get a coupon. Or a special invitation to an event.

“This inspirational message is from Red Oxygen. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. What’s your favorite Einstein quote? Reply now.”

Test it out! Let us know how it goes. If you have questions on how best to use SMS in your marketing strategy or have a good tip to share with other Red Oxygen users, contact Angie Castillo.

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