

Messages to Customers in the U.S. being blocked?

November 7, 2022

As the U.S. continues to update regulations for A2P (application to person) SMS sends, other countries are experiencing the ripple effect.  Are your messages getting blocked? Here’s why. Yes, companies in the U.S. sending A2P SMS messages have to register their numbers and campaigns with the U.S. cellular carriers through The Campaign Registry (TCR). Also, […]

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Two way business texting

5 Benefits of 2-Way Business Texting

September 29, 2022

With 97% of Americans owning a cellphone, text messaging is more popular than ever. As more and more businesses find texting to be an inexpensive way to communicate efficiently and effectively with their customers, they’re finding that more and more consumers want to communicate with them via text messaging, as well. Here’s where two-way texting […]

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Man registering 10DLC

What is the 10dlc Registration Process?

September 6, 2022

What is 10dlc registration? In short: The 10dlc (10-digit long code) registration process is a way to supply the carriers with the information they need to provide your business fast SMS throughput and message management without spam getting in the way. This doesn’t mean you’ll get the fastest throughput, but it does mean they aim […]

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10DLC Fees

10dlc Fees and Fines

August 29, 2022

As of March 31, 2023, most DCAs (direct connect aggregators) participating in the 10dlc registration process will not support any A2P messages from unregistered long-codes. Along with this new deadline, this post has been updated with the most recent fees and fines. (March 2023) So, here’s the lowdown on the current fees and fines related […]

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Mass text messaging

Group vs. Bulk Texting

August 28, 2022

Group texts and bulk text, we’ve all experienced both, but may not know how very different they are.  Group texts are obvious, they contain two or more names or numbers in the ‘to’ field. If sent by my sister-in-law, I would say there are way too many names and numbers in the ‘to’ field…organizing a […]

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