
small business

How Small Businesses Should Embrace Texting

February 20, 2023

Small businesses can get a lot of bang for their buck with text messaging… Maybe you have a marketing director, maybe you have a communications person, a customer service person or a social media manager, but it’s very possible, if you’re on the S side of the SMB world that you might not have all […]

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Why You Need an MSP for SMS Billing and Compliance

January 31, 2023

Business SMS billing and compliance is complicated, an MSP can help. With recent SMS application-to-person (A2P) rules and regulations giving companies whiplash by adding fees, removing fees, changing fees…and dates, campaign registration updates, etc…too many to list even, now is the time to be looking for an SMS billing and compliance managed service provider (MSP). […]

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Are Your SMS Campaigns FCC and 10DLC Compliant?

Are Your SMS Campaigns FCC and 10DLC Compliant?

January 9, 2023

Short message service (SMS)—or text messaging—is one of the fastest-growing forms of communication for businesses globally. Because many customers prefer using text messages over other platforms, companies everywhere are centering their correspondence platforms around SMS. For businesses new to text messaging, it’s vital to understand compliance laws before diving headfirst into an SMS marketing campaign. […]

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Using SMS for 2FA Verification

Using SMS for 2FA Verification

December 14, 2022

When someone logs into your company’s system, whether it’s an online banking platform, employee resource center or electronic health records, you want to ensure they are who they claim to be. Password protection isn’t enough, as they are all too easy for bad actors to guess. You need an additional layer of protection. Enter two-factor […]

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Black Friday SMS

Increasing Black Friday Sales Using SMS

November 11, 2022

The holidays are important to all types of businesses due to the rise in gift shopping. Many companies use this time to introduce seasonal deals to encourage more sales. While your marketing strategy in-store and online are valuable, introducing SMS techniques can increase your sales even further. Check out some of our holiday SMS ideas […]

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