
How SMS can improve at home healthcare

How SMS Can Improve At-Home Healthcare

June 12, 2023

As the healthcare industry shifts toward more patient-centric care, immediate communication between patients and providers is becoming increasingly valuable, especially for those who require at-home healthcare services.  In particular, home health companies need useful communication tools to provide quality care and get ahead of their competition. Improve your home health business and enhance patient accessibility and coordination among […]

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Tommy Sheahan CEO of Red Oxygen

Tom Sheahan was a guest on The Dirt podcast

May 25, 2023

 The Dirt podcast covers stories of entrepreneurs who have been through it all, they discuss all things business and what these entrepreneurs learned on their path to successfully scaling their businesses. Tom was invited to join Jim Barnish on episode 63 to talk about Tom’s journey with A2P SMS, his learnings, his failures and […]

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Real Estate Agent's Guide to Using SMS

Real Estate Agent’s Guide to Using SMS

May 22, 2023

The real estate industry is highly competitive, and agents rely on constant contact to sell more properties. SMS messaging is an excellent tool for real estate agents looking to harness more efficient and effective communication with people looking to purchase and sell homes. SMS solutions allow you to use automation to simplify your job as […]

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Your Guide to HIPAA-Compliant Texting and SMS

Your Guide to HIPAA-Compliant Texting and SMS 

May 8, 2023

More healthcare providers are using text messaging, or short message service (SMS), along with other technologies to engage with patients and communicate with staff. Text messaging is a quick, efficient way for providers to directly remind patients of upcoming appointments or medication refills to help them remember important dates and times. Providers can also use SMS […]

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The Beginner's Guide to SMS That Actually Works

The Beginner’s Guide to SMS That Actually Works 

April 25, 2023

Strengthening relationships with your customers is critical to your business’s continued success, and with the rise of technology comes new ways to drive engagement. There were about two trillion text messages sent in the United States in 2021, showing that text messages are a valuable channel for customer engagement. Short message service (SMS) campaigns can […]

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