Category: Industry News


Messages to Customers in the U.S. being blocked?

November 7, 2022

As the U.S. continues to update regulations for A2P (application to person) SMS sends, other countries are experiencing the ripple effect.  Are your messages getting blocked? Here’s why. Yes, companies in the U.S. sending A2P SMS messages have to register their numbers and campaigns with the U.S. cellular carriers through The Campaign Registry (TCR). Also, […]

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Red key being held in front of mountains

The Key to Sending Links in Your SMS Without Being Blocked

March 21, 2022

Red Oxygen has enforced anti-spam regulations since our inception, over 20 years ago. We like to think we made the initiative cool but there’s no written proof, so formal credit probably goes to the Spam Act of 2003 from the Australian government, and the CTIA in the US has backed it up with vigor.  Now […]

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3 animals crossing the road in the countryside.

Don’t Let New 10dlc Requirements
Stop You In Your Tracks

March 10, 2021

What is 10dlc? 10dlc is shorthand for 10-digit long code. These numbers are formatted like a standard U.S. phone number with area code, but can support higher volumes of text messages. 10dlc aren’t new, they’re what Red Oxygen has always referred to as dedicated numbers, but they have made a name for themselves in the […]

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