Category: Benefits of SMS Marketing

small business

How Small Businesses Should Embrace Texting

February 20, 2023

Small businesses can get a lot of bang for their buck with text messaging… Maybe you have a marketing director, maybe you have a communications person, a customer service person or a social media manager, but it’s very possible, if you’re on the S side of the SMB world that you might not have all […]

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Black Friday SMS

Increasing Black Friday Sales Using SMS

November 11, 2022

The holidays are important to all types of businesses due to the rise in gift shopping. Many companies use this time to introduce seasonal deals to encourage more sales. While your marketing strategy in-store and online are valuable, introducing SMS techniques can increase your sales even further. Check out some of our holiday SMS ideas […]

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Two way business texting

5 Benefits of 2-Way Business Texting

September 29, 2022

With 97% of Americans owning a cellphone, text messaging is more popular than ever. As more and more businesses find texting to be an inexpensive way to communicate efficiently and effectively with their customers, they’re finding that more and more consumers want to communicate with them via text messaging, as well. Here’s where two-way texting […]

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man on phone in stripped shirt

Text Alerts ARE Customer Service

July 15, 2022

Today more than ever, good, dare I say, great customer service is crucial to loyal and repeat business. In these days of more is more, if you don’t offer high quality customer service, the customer has no qualms about moving onto a different company. The first chance it normally the only chance. Keeping your brand […]

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SMS Tips

4 Summer SMS Tips

May 16, 2022

As the warmer days for vacations, family get-togethers and other fun summer activities arrive, your customers are on their phones more and their desktops less. They’re out exploring and spending time with family and friends, and you need the right strategies to engage them. How do you keep them engaged and ready to take advantage […]

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