Category: About Red Oxygen

Ferris wheel in motion

Outlining Outlook Options

November 30, 2021

Office’s Outlook,, Microsoft 365’s Outlook…it makes us dizzy, but keeps our support chat line busy. “I use Outlook, what Red Oxygen software should I be using?” “Do you use Outlook from your computer or online?” “Online, doesn’t all email have to be sent online?” “Are you using the Office software package downloaded to your […]

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Red Oxygen mark with face mask

Maybe We Signed Up Too Soon

September 15, 2021

Maybe we jumped the gun and signed up for trade shows too soon…we thought we saw the light at the end of the tunnel…until we didn’t. All of the U.S. Red Oxygen team (Australia has had a different roll-out schedule than the U.S.) has voluntarily received their vaccinations…so when the possibility of attending or exhibiting […]

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Wide angle view of dog in box

Moving in the Right Direction

August 17, 2021

We did it.  We packed up our hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes, computers and monitors, mini trash can basketball hoop and coffee maker. And we gave our employees a scheduled move out time to make sure we were adhering to COVID protocol. With the office cleaned, and belongings gathered, we unlocked the door to our […]

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