Category: About Red Oxygen

AI robot hand and human hand getting ready to shake hands

AI and SMS Compliance

September 19, 2023

A2P (application to person) SMS regulations have recently had an onslaught of changes coming in rapid succession, making compliance an uphill battle for companies that think they can do this without implementing some new technology to their infrastructure. Enter AI. Yes, artificial intelligence. It’s already saturating the SMS market when it comes to chatbots and […]

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Electric company scam message/text on phone screen

Registering Your Sender ID

June 28, 2023

With Australians having been victimized by SMS scams to the tune of $6.5 Million, 188% more than 2021, Australia’s decided its time for governing bodies and mobile operators to put their foot down, and insist we know the identity of the person/company on the other side of the SMS. The Australian Communications and Media Authority […]

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Why You Need an MSP for SMS Billing and Compliance

January 31, 2023

Business SMS billing and compliance is complicated, an MSP can help. With recent SMS application-to-person (A2P) rules and regulations giving companies whiplash by adding fees, removing fees, changing fees…and dates, campaign registration updates, etc…too many to list even, now is the time to be looking for an SMS billing and compliance managed service provider (MSP). […]

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Man registering 10DLC

What is the 10dlc Registration Process?

September 6, 2022

What is 10dlc registration? In short: The 10dlc (10-digit long code) registration process is a way to supply the carriers with the information they need to provide your business fast SMS throughput and message management without spam getting in the way. This doesn’t mean you’ll get the fastest throughput, but it does mean they aim […]

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Developer sitting at their desk with arms crossed.

It’s Not a Developer Problem

August 4, 2022

So, what’s the problem? Due to 10dlc, when your customers send SMS, it’s costing you money that you’re likely not recouping. This is a business problem that effects your bottom line. What’s your SMS billing solution?   With two decades of SMS and telco experience under our belt and 10dlc regulations tightening, we saw this […]

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